Acts of Service

Ryan’s Place Group Facilitator

Every Monday Night

Ryan’s Place provides grief support to children, teens, and families. It works with the bereaved to provide support and education as they travel on their journey of grief to find peace, hope, and a new normal as they face life without their deceased loved one.
A staple of their programming is Monday Night Groups. Ryan’s Place provides biweekly peer support groups for children ages 3–18 who have experienced the death of a loved one. These groups are divided by developmental ages. All groups are run by trained volunteers who have a heart for helping children. Volunteers meet at 5:30 PM for a pre-meeting before groups. Dinner is served for families and volunteers at 6 PM. Groups are held from 6:30 to 7:45 PM. A post-meeting is held for volunteers from 8 to 8:20 PM. Volunteers always lead in pairs or small groups, so you will never be alone while volunteering.

Please contact Lindsy Diener-Locke at or 574-535-1000 with questions or to fill out a volunteer application form.


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